When I moved to Pinecrest, everything was perfect, except for not having a good quality coffee nearby. As a family, we are doers, so we decided to found one…

We met Eli, the owner of Pinecrest Wayside Market and he was delighted with the idea of bringing the best specialty organic coffee to the neighborhood, so we decided to transform our little corner in the center of the best coffee in town.

My husband found an amazing LA MARZOCCO machine, perfect for the dream, so that is how we had the best coffee machine directly from Italy, to bring the “barista style” technique and aroma.

We tried all the coffee brands in town, until we met Sergio, from Great Circle -best roasters in Miami, dedicated to find the best organic coffee beans around the world-.

Finally, we got in love of CAFE FEMENINO, with whom everything matched -the most delicious Peruvian beans grown by a cooperative of moms that created their own company to succeed as independent women-.

This FEMININE perfect circle made sense to me, it was the final touch to give a purpose to my new business. That is how we created one of our slogans: MOMS SUPPORTING MOMS!!!

I love to serve and make people happy with my music, my songs, art projects and poetry, but specially every morning with a coffee and my usual verse: HAVE A HAPPY COFFEE!

Our name comes from my artistic name MONDI, which means many worlds in Italian, offering a travel around the world with beans and aromas from Ethiopia to Peru, from Guatemala to Colombia, from espresso to iced latte, many worlds and words converge in this little spot.

Coffee is the perfect metaphor of making people happy with a simple detail full of 5 senses in action, it is a fruit full of heaven that gives you the opportunity of remembering that every day is a new day, a new beginning, a new life, and here you get ready for it!

Nothing of this could be possible without our amazing team of baristas: Camden, Cristi and Male, who bring the magic from the bean to your soul every day!!!

Anabella Mondi

founder and coffee lover